"Membranes for Energy and Water Recovery"

MEMORY is a project co-funded by the European Community under the LIFE+ financial instrument with the Grant Agreement n. LIFE13 ENV/ES/001353.

Partners: FCC AQUALIA, UPV, UV, Koch Systems.

Total budget: 2.102.327,00 €

Total EU financing: 1.046.101,00 €

Start date: 01/07/2014

End date: 31/12/2018

Diagrama Memory

Previous research carried out by Calagua (UPV & UV) and FCC Aqualia in the framework of the Innpronta project IISIS showed promising results operating a pilot-scale AnMBR (working volume: 2,2 m3) in terms of overall energy consumption, performance and final effluent quality. In this sense, the LIFE MEMORY project is taking a further step on the development of this technology, scaling-up the installation size in order to reach industrial scale. Based on operational parameters and control strategies developed with the pilot AnMBR, it is fully expected that the enhanced Neo-SAnMBR (provisional name) will produce a substantially higher amount of bioenergy and ready-to-REuse effluent.

Therefore, the demonstration site has to fulfill a number of criteria based on space availability, wastewater characteristics (crucial for the energy efficiency of the process) and climatology with one main objective: to challengue Neo-AnMBR flexibility in terms of performance under a wide number of different conditions. To accomplish with this task, the conventional design of the pilot AnMBR (shown in Project) will be modified in order to maximize bioenergy recovery and optimize membrane performance.




XXI century: From wastewater to Resource Source

Towards a new paradigm based on sustainability, where wastewater now turns into a source of energy, nutrients and simultaneously, a water resource suitable for reuse.

In this context, LIFE MEMORY project targets for the sustainable production of reusable water demonstrating the feasibility of an innovative technology: the Submerged Anaerobic Membrane Bioreactor (SAnMBR).


Life programme flag

LIFE13 ENV/ES/001353

With the contribution of the LIFE financial instrument of the European Community


Last update 02/07/2020